Birmingham Road, Pathlow
Stratford-Upon-Avon, CV37 0EP

Steering Box Parts DB2 to MkIII

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We supply Steering box parts for DB2 to MkIII - however, for the best steering boxes see Feltham Steering boxes

Steering Column centre shafts with extra turned slots for DB2 to MkIII when using pinch bolt steering wheel fixing

Steering Column centre shafts with circlip groove & plain spline for DB2/4 to MkIII, some DB2s that have got adjustable steeering wheels.

Cross Shaft Bushes with figure of 8 oil feed groove inside for improved lube, specify size of cross shaft as they range from 1.125" to 1.10"

Cross Shaft End cap thrust bushes with figure of 8 oil feed grooves

Bearings for steering column shaft worm

Cross shaft / drop arm oil seals

However, we have assembled these steering boxes using the original 'worm' & rocker 'roller' from the box & all the new parts that we supply, after 2 days we had produced a steering box that isn't much better than the one we took apart - this is because there has been some parts made in the 1980s that were made wrongly, if you have an original undisturbed box you may be able to get the play down to 1/2" if you are lucky.
